PRML Notes - 1.6 Information Theory
自然地,信息量的概率就与变量的概率分布联系在了一起。香农熵(Shannon Entropy)成功表达了一个离散型变量所带来的平均信息量:
物理上关于香农熵的解释:mulitplicity, microstate, macrostate, weight
而当趋近于0时,上式最右侧第二项趋近于0,而第一个项则趋近的表达式称为微分熵(differential entropy):
条件熵(conditional entropy)
相对熵(relative entropy)
依然从编码角度来考虑,若一个变量的真实分布为,而我们实际上使用了来对这个变量进行编码,那么由此而使用了的多余的比特数定义为相对熵或者KL距离(Kullback-Leibler divergence)。
简森不等式(Jensen's inequality)
,其中, 为凸函数
- 连续型:
- 离散型:
互信息(mutual information)
2022年9月23日 17:25
In every school Generally Teachers will analyse students’ skills in a particular subject after completion of a certain amount of syllabus in the decided time. As part of this Analysis, they conduct Examinations regularly to test their student’s knowledge of the subject in the completed syllabus, that’s the way every 3rd class students also need to participate in Term 2 Exams for all subjects & languages of the course. In every school Generally Teachers will analyse students’ skills in a particular subject after completion of a certain amount of syllabus in the decided time. NCERT Term 2 Sample Paper Class 3 As part of this Analysis, they conduct Examinations regularly to test their student’s knowledge of the subject in the completed syllabus, that’s the way every 3rd class students also need to participate in Term 2 Exams for all subjects & languages of the course.
2023年1月18日 18:45
Australia holidays are viewed differently with their State and county-wide celebrations, and there is different segregation that is shown as per the divided state and territory, and this list of public holidays is declared and is declared when the entire nation does go off from work. Australia Public Holidays 2023 These holidays are permanent holidays that are applicable to everyone who is working in certain states. National holidays are taken as most important, as every stream of working employees and companies does grant them leave which is for free.
2023年1月28日 23:29
Punjab National Bank is a popular yet most preferred National Bank in India, and the Net Banking service for the bank allows its customers to utilize different services online without investing in the branch. PNB Net Banking As the modern days are invoking with the technology, the services from Banks through their Net Banking feature are in good spike, and there are multiple benefits for the customer who does get the access to the PNB Net Banking service.
2023年4月02日 14:00
The Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID) is a Philippine identity card which was introduced in 2010. The card was developed as a single card for the relations between several government-related agencies. Previously, all the Indian Railways employees and pensioners who were part of the medical health and services had to carry a physical card/ health book by applying with railway employee application which is now replaced with a UMID card that can be easily accessed from Online browser or even your Smartphone app as well.In this article, we will be going over about Unique Medical Identity Card given by Indian Railways to its employees. We will also look into the registration, login, password retrieval, status check and process to download the UMID card as well.
2023年7月01日 18:59
Our reporting team plans to release the Education & Recruitment Update for all age groups and provide inside coverage to show the real picture of current occurrences. We intend to publish news divided into General, Political, Crime, Sports, Entertainment, Education, and World News as an initiative of writers who have come together for dedicated news coverage of recent events across the nation (India). Our goal is to meet the needs of people of all age groups.